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The Golden Venture in the News > English-language media coverage of 4/26 press conference > Chinese-language press conference coverage* > The Golden Venture in the NewsNPR Two-Part Series on Fujianese Immigration "Testing Mukasey" "Uncertain Freedom", Golden Venture saga "A York debut for 'Golden Venture'"
"Documentary Debuts in York" "'Golden Venture' film to premiere in York"
York Daily Record, May 12, 2006 Hometown paper profiles director Peter Cohn
"Golden Venture" featured on Anderson Cooper
Lead editorial
Patrick Keefe on GV and immigration
"Survivors of Golden Venture still in limbo." "金色冒險號悲慘歷史重演."
CBS interview with Peter Cohn (video) "《金色冒险》和《假行僧》" (Chinese*)
Chin New Yorker article on Sister Ping and the Golden Venture. " 美國岸,上了; 美國夢,碎了. " (Chinese*)
"NYC Film Festival to Launch 'Golden Venture' Film" "Dreams alive for detainees" "金色冒險13年, 美夢難圓" (Chinese translation of New York Times Article*) Peter Cohn discusses Golden Venture on WBAI's Asia Pacific Forum. English-language media coverage of 4/26 press conference:"Golden Venture Passengers Still Drifting" "Let our odyssey end " "They're still adrift. More than a decade after surviving the grounding of Golden Venture, immigrants seek resident status " "Survivors of a Sordid Venture Seek a Place" "Golden Venture immigrants fighting for legal status" "Passengers From Golden Venture Plead for End to Their Legal Limbo" "Golden Venture Survivors Want Citizenship" "Golden Venture's voyage to America, and uncertainty" Chinese-language press conference coverage*:"Victims of Human Trafficking Speak Out for Reform." "金色冒險客:請給我們合法身分. 13年前冒死闖關 30人勇敢現身聯署簽名 盼移民改革法案 帶來希望和重生" "金色冒险号幸存者争取合法身, 盼获人道对待." “'金色探险号'30名偷渡客亮相, 请求布什给合法身份." "反移民苛法,金色冒險號倖存者紐約相聚."
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